Department of Finance Directors
George Killion
September 11, 1940 to January 3, 1943

George Killion was appointed Director of Finance by Governor Culbert Olson on September 11, 1940. He was born in Steamboat Springs, Colorado on April 15, 1901. Killion came to California and worked in the news, later occupying editorial positions in various California newspapers. For several years, Killion conducted political, financial, and tax campaigns throughout California and represented civic and business groups. He was also affiliated with an advertising firm in San Francisco.
Killion was appointed Deputy Director of Finance in August 1939. He worked under the philosophy that “both progressive and liberal is based on premise that manifold economics and social problems, which confront State and nation are to be solved only through intensification of effort and complete unity of purpose of those who constitute framework for the Democratic Party.” After serving at Finance, he became the President of American President Lines, a steamship trading company and under the Johnson Administration, and was named an alternate representative to the United Nations.