Department of Finance Directors
T.H. Mugford
July 15, 1958 to January 4, 1959

T.H. Mugford was appointed Director of Finance by Governor Goodwin Knight on July 15, 1958. He was born in Amador County, California—a descendant of pioneers from that area. Mugford attended public schools there and studied accounting at the La Salle Extension University and the San Francisco Institute of Accountancy, receiving his certificate as a Certified Public Accountant.
He began work for the state in January 1922. In 1928, Mugford joined the Department of Finance, progressing to the position of Assistant Superintendent of Accounts. In July 1935, he was appointed Sales Tax Administrator for the Board of Equalization. He served as President of the California State Employees’ Association in 1940. Governor Warren appointed him Chief of the Division of Accounts and Tax Collections in 1943 and a member of the California Employment Stabilization Commission of the Department of Employment, where he served until August 1949.
When Mugford rejoined the Department of Finance, he was appointed Assistant Director for the Division of Budget and Fiscal, and in May 1956, became Deputy Director before his appointment as Director of Finance in 1958. He was a member of Sacramento Lodge No. 40, the Ben Ali Shrine, Sacramento Lions Club, Commonwealth Club, California Society of Certified Public Accountants, and the Western Governmental Research Association.