Demographics, Economic Research, Revenue and Taxation Roles and Responsibilities

The Demographic Research Unit was established in 1951 to serve as the official source of demographic data for state planning and budgeting. Staff in the unit conduct surveys, disseminate data, provide statistical consulting, and perform analysis of trends in mortality, fertility, migration, education, and household formation in order to understand and predict changes in California’s population. The unit publishes population estimates and projections, school enrollment projections, and other research reports. Staff also provide consultation and data from censuses and surveys to the public.

Finance’s Economic Research Unit prepares comprehensive economic forecasts, develops and maintains California macroeconomic data and forecasting models, reviews economic impacts of regulations, prepares analyses of various economic developments and policies, and advises the Administration, the Legislature, and various state and local government agencies. The unit also prepares and publishes periodic updates on California’s economy and significant economic events, including the monthly Finance Bulletin.

Finance’s Revenue and Taxation Unit uses the demographic and economic forecasts to develop tax revenue estimates for the annual state budget process. Staff develop and maintain tax revenue forecasting models, monitor and report on monthly receipts compared to estimates, analyze tax policy legislation, and prepare the state’s annual tax expenditure report.