Acronym | Definition |
AAB | Approved as Budgeted |
AB | Assembly Bill |
ACA | Assembly Constitutional Amendment |
ACR | Assembly Concurrent Resolution |
ADA | Americans with Disabilities Act |
ADA | Average Daily Attendance |
ADM/EC/IT | Administration, Employee Compensation, and Information Technology Unit, Finance’s |
AE Positions | Administratively-established Positions |
AG | Attorney General |
AJR | Assembly Joint Resolution |
A-Pages | Another term used for the Governor’s Budget Summary document |
APBM | Assistant Program Budget Manager |
APMT | Assistant Program Manager Team |
ARF | Architectural Revolving Fund |
AWRTFY | Available Without Regard to Fiscal Year (“continuous appropriation”) |
BA | Budget Act |
BAA | Budget Administration Adjustment (also a BR or EO) |
BAG | Budget Analyst Guide |
BBA | Baseline Budget Adjustment |
BBL | Budget Bill Language |
BCP | Budget Change Proposal |
BF | Bond Funds |
BI or BIP | Business Intelligence Publisher (type of report in Hyperion) |
BL | Budget Letter |
BOS | Budget Operations Support Unit, Finance’s |
BR | Budget Request (in Hyperion) |
BR | Budget Revision |
BSO | Business Services Office, Finance’s |
BU | Business Unit |
BY | Budget Year |
Acronym | Definition |
CalHR | California Department of Human Resources |
CAP | Corrective Action Plan |
CAP | Cost Allocation Plan |
CAPOFF | Capitol Office |
CEA | Career Executive Assignment |
CCR | California Code of Regulations |
CDT | California Department of Technology |
CFR | Code of Federal Regulations |
CIAP | Changes in Authorized Positions (a display in the budget galley) |
CM | Cash Management Unit, Finance’s |
CMIA | Cash Management Improvement Act |
C/O | Carryover (of an appropriation balance) |
CO | Capital Outlay |
COA | Chart of Accounts |
COBBA | Capital Outlay Baseline Budget Adjustment |
COBCP | Capital Outlay Budget Change Proposal |
COCP | Capital Outlay Concept Paper |
COLA | Cost of Living Adjustment |
COOP/COG | Continuity of Operations/Continuity of Government |
COR/GEN | Corrections/General Government Unit, Finance’s |
CPB | Continuity Plan for Business |
CS | Control Section (of Budget Act) |
CSA | Central Service Agencies |
CSA | California State Auditor |
CSCRF | Central Service Cost Recovery Fund |
CSL | Current Service Level |
CSPS | California State Payroll System |
CY | Current Year |
DAA | Detail of Appropriations and Adjustments (a display in the budget galley) |
DBA | Detailed Budget Adjustments (a display in the budget galley) |
DGS | Department of General Services |
DOF | Department of Finance (Finance) |
DRU | Demographic Research Unit, Finance’s |
EBR | Enrolled Bill Report |
ECP | Enrollment, Caseload, and Population |
ENY | Enactment Year (formerly Year of Appropriation) |
EO | Executive Order |
ER | Economic Research Unit, Finance’s |
ESU | Education Systems Unit, Finance’s |
ETHLL | Energy, Transportation, Housing, Local Government, and Labor Unit, Finance’s |
Acronym | Definition |
FAWS | Financial Analysis Worksheets (for IT projects) |
FBA | Finance Budget Analyst |
FBS | Final Budget Summary (published by Finance) |
FCB | Final Change Book (published by Finance) |
FCS | Fund Condition Statement (fiscal statement in the budget galley) |
FF | Federal Funds |
FFACT | Federal Funds Accountability and Cost Tracking Unit, Finance’s |
FFY | Federal Fiscal Year |
FI$Cal | Refers to the system (Financial Information System for California) |
FISCal | Refers to the Department of FISCal |
FIW | Fiscal Impact Worksheet (for Capital Outlay) |
FL | Finance Letter |
FM | Finance Memo |
FO | Financial Operations Unit, Finance’s |
FPE | Finance Program Evaluator |
FR | Financial Reporting (type of report in Hyperion) |
FSC | FI$Cal Service Center |
FSCU | Fiscal Systems Consulting Unit, Finance’s |
FTE | Full-Time Equivalent (Positions) |
FY | Fiscal Year |
GAAP | Generally Accepted Accounting Principles |
GB | Governor’s Budget |
GC | Government Code, California |
GF | General Fund |
GFU | General Fund Update |
GOARs | Governor’s Office Action Requests |
GO Bonds | General Obligation Bonds |
Acronym | Definition |
HHS | Health and Human Services Unit, Finance’s |
HR | Human Resources |
ICRP | Indirect Cost Rate Proposal Plan |
IPOR | Independent Project Oversight Report (for IT projects) |
IR | Investable Resources Unit, Finance’s |
IS | Information Services |
IT | Information Technology |
ITCU | Information Technology Consulting Unit, Finance’s |
IVV | Independent Verification and Validation (for IT projects) |
JLBC | Joint Legislative Budget Committee |
LA | Local Assistance |
LAO | Legislative Analyst’s Office |
LCB | Legislative Counsel Bureau |
LDU | Learning and Development Unit, Finance’s |
LG | Local Government |
LIS | Legislative Information System (a Finance system) |
LT | Limited Term |
Acronym | Definition |
MBR | Mission Based Review |
MCO | Minor Capital Outlay |
MIRS | Management Information Retrieval System (SCO system for personnel data) |
MM | Management Memo |
MR | May Revision |
MSA | Merit Salary Adjustment |
MSF | Manual of State Funds |
NASBO | National Association of State Budget Officers |
NGCF | Non-Governmental Cost Fund |
OAU | Oversight and Accountability Unit, Finance’s |
OCIO | Office of the Chief Information Officer |
OE&E | Operating Expenses and Equipment |
OPEB | Other Post-Employment Benefits |
ORF | Office Revolving Fund |
OSAE | Office of State Audits and Evaluations, Finance’s |
OSP | Office of State Publishing |
OST | Out-of-State Travel |
Acronym | Definition |
P98 | Proposition 98 |
PAL | Project Approval Lifecycle (for IT projects) |
PBM | Program Budget Manager |
PDR | Project Delegation Request (for IT projects) |
PE | Preliminary Estimates |
PFA | Plan of Financial Adjustment |
PIER | Post Implementation Evaluation Report (for IT projects) |
PIT | Personal Income Tax |
PMIA | Pooled Money Investment Account |
PMIB | Pooled Money Investment Board |
PORC | Projects of Regional Concern |
PPBA | Principal Program Budget Analyst |
PRA | Public Records Act |
PSR | Project Status Report (for IT projects) |
PWB | Public Works Board |
PY | Past Year |
PY | Personnel Year |
RANs | Revenue Anticipation Notes |
RAU | Research and Analysis Unit, Finance’s |
RWAs | Revenue Anticipation Warrants |
RECO | Natural Resources, Environment, and Capital Outlay Unit, Finance’s |
Regs | Regulations |
RFP | Request for Proposal |
RTL | Revenues, Transfers, and Loans |
RTU | Revenue and Taxation Unit, Finance’s |
Acronym | Definition |
SAL | State Appropriation Limit |
SAM | State Administrative Manual |
SB | Senate Bill |
SBFR | Senate Budget and Fiscal Review Committee |
SCA | Senate Constitutional Amendment |
SCR | Senate Concurrent Resolution |
SCO | State Controller’s Office |
SF | Special Fund |
SFBA | Staff Finance Budget Analyst |
SFEU | Special Fund for Economic Uncertainties |
SLAA | State Leadership Accountability Act |
SMIF | Surplus Money Investment Fund |
SO | State Operations |
SPB | State Personnel Board |
SPP | Savings Plus Program |
SPP | Supplemental Pension Payment (SB 84) |
SPR | Special Project Report (for IT projects) |
SRL | Supplemental Reporting Language |
STO | State Treasurer’s Office |
S&W or 7A | Salary and Wages |
SWCAP | Statewide Cost Allocation Plan |
S1BA | Stage 1 Business Analysis (for IT projects) |
S2AA | Stage 2 Alternative Analysis (for IT projects) |
S3SD | Stage 3 Solution Development (for IT projects) |
S4PRA | Stage 4 Project Readiness and Approval (for IT projects) |
TBL | Trailer Bill Language |
UCM | Uniform Codes Manual |
YOA | Year of Appropriation |
YOB | Year of Budget (also known as Funding Fiscal Year) |
YOC | Year of Completion |