California Law

There are several ways to view California bills and laws on the Internet:

These links provide information on legislation back to the 1993-94 Legislative Session, including the capability to select/search by bill number or keyword(s) and subscribe/unsubscribe to the bill. Bill Information is more concise. It allows you to print PDF or HTML version of a bill, and view a list of bills you have subscribed to; and provides a link to an Index which lists all bills introduced in the Assembly and Senate. Legislation is more comprehensive. It provides the subject (topic), an excerpt of the bill and words that allow you to search for bills similar to the one you selected/searched; allows you to select/search for a bill at the various stages (e.g., chaptered or enrolled); and links to several other legislation related sites.

California Law

California Law consists of 29 codes, covering various subject areas, the State Constitution and Statutes. Information presented reflects laws currently in effect. You can use the Table of Contents to go directly to a particular code to find the section you want, or perform a keyword search.

California Codes

During heavy bill periods the normal legislative search sites often lock up or get bottlenecked from too much Internet traffic. To get at statutes where you already know the section number, try using this site instead. It is the same database that the California Law search engine uses when a code section or keyword is requested. While not as “clean” as an http page, this quickly provides access to all the state codes.

In the Current Directory find the code that you want; select the range where your code section falls; then within that narrower range select the range where your pcode section falls. You can also view the Table of Contents for any code, but you cannot select (get at) a particular code section itself using the Table of Contents.

California Code of Regulations

The California Code of Regulations (CCR) website contains the text of the regulations that have been formally adopted by state agencies, reviewed and approved by the Office of Administrative Law, and filed with the Secretary of State. The CCR consists of 27 titles and contains the regulations of approximately 200 regulatory agencies. The site is updated weekly. See Welcome to the Code of California Regulations for more information.