State Fiscal Recovery Fund Dashboard

California has received over $27 billion in state fiscal recovery funds from the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 for costs incurred between March 3, 2021 and December 31, 2024, to mitigate the impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic. The Act specifies that funds may be used to respond to the public health emergency or its negative economic impacts, replace lost revenue, and to make investments in water, sewer, or broadband infrastructure. The framework for the $27 billion Coronavirus State Fiscal Recovery Fund to help California build back a stronger, more equitable economy and address the disproportionate negative economic impacts of COVID-19 on low-wage sectors can be found here.

To provide transparency in how these funds are being spent, the Department of Finance collects data from state entities regarding obligations and expenditures to date and visualized it in the dashboard* below. The dashboard shows the total expended in cities, counties, federal expenditure categories and projects, as well as by U.S. Congressional District, and California Senate and Assembly districts.

Download the SFRF dashboard data or individual SFRF CSV data files. Provided data and dashboard will be updated quarterly until May 2027.

*Note 1: Due to the automatic geocoding process on the dashboard map, some address locations may be incorrectly mapped. This is only a display issue and does not affect the dashboard filters and/or totals.

*Note 2: CA Senate, CA Assembly, and Federal Congressional Districts are based off 2020 boundaries passed by the redistricting commission and may have since changed.

*Note 3: “Statewide” expenditures reflect payments made to support California’s COVID-19 contact tracing redirection efforts and contributions to California’s unemployment insurance trust fund. “State Personnel Costs” expenditures reflect administrative costs incurred by California state departments during their administration of the federal funding. While expenditures in both categories benefit Californians, they are not attributable to a specific city, county, or district. “Replace Lost State Revenue” expenditures are not reflected in the dashboard.

*Note 4: Expenditures are reported on a cash basis, which includes reimbursements to subrecipients and contractors as well as advance payments for goods or services that have not yet been invoiced.

*Note 5: “Out of State” expenditures reflect payments made to subrecipients and contractors with a legal address outside of California but goods and/or services are provided within California. Project level details on specific “Out of State” expenditures are detailed below:

  • Accelerate Affordable Housing Production and Affordable Housing Preservation – Projects contracted with multiple housing developers located outside of California to develop affordable housing projects within California.
  • College Service Program for COVID-19 Recovery – Project contracted with out of state vendors for information technology services.
  • Expand Access to Behavioral Health Services – Project is administered by a single out of state entity. All awards remain in California. For further information, see the Department of Health Care Services’ Behavioral Health Continuum Infrastructure Program dashboard.
  • Expand Broadband Infrastructure – Project (Middle Mile Broadband Initiative) will be built entirely in California, for Californians: however, several entities out of state were contracted with to purchase materials and for consulting and permitting services.
  • Relief for Water Arrearages and Relief for Unpaid Energy Utility Bills and Arrearages – Projects reimbursed providers headquartered outside of California that operate community water systems, wastewater management systems, and energy utility systems in California.

To view other federal funding transparency efforts, please see the Coronavirus Relief Fund Dashboard.

For additional information on the state’s administration of State Fiscal Recovery Funds, visit the State Fiscal Recovery Fund page. If you have questions regarding this dashboard, please contact

Webpage last updated May 23, 2024