The Department of Finance is responsible for determining the listing of designated and excluded census tracts pursuant to Section 13073.5. of the Government Code ( This listing is updated every five years.
January 2024 Designations:
January 2019 Designations:
Designated census tracts have the highest civilian unemployment and poverty rates and are within the top 25 percent of all census tracts within the state. Excluded census tracts are those within the lowest quartile of the distribution of civilian unemployment and poverty rates. Census tracts that did not have the highest or lowest civilian unemployment and poverty rates were not included on these listings.
These data are used for qualification for the New Employment Credit and the Target Area Contract Preference Act. Resources for these programs are available at:
New Employment Credit:
- Franchise Tax Board (
- Mapping Tool ( – This online tool will assist users in determining if a location is in a qualifying area. Qualifying areas for the New Employment Credit (referred to as Designated Geographic Areas) include designated census tracts and economic development areas. Economic development areas are comprised of former Enterprise Zones excluding any census tract that is identified by the Department of Finance as a census tract within the lowest quartile of the distribution of civilian unemployment and poverty rates, and Local Agency Military Base Recovery Areas (LAMBRAs). The former Enterprise Zones and LAMBRAs were determined by the Department of Housing and Community Development.
Target Area Contract Preference Act:
- Department of General Services (
- Mapping Tool ( – This online tool will assist users in determining if a location is in a qualifying area. Qualifying areas for the Target Area Contract Preference Act include distressed areas (designated census tracts) and directly adjoining census tract blocks that when attached to the distressed area forms a contiguous boundary.