Community-Based Transitional Housing Program

Program Status Update

  • As of March 26, 2018, all Community-Based Transitional Housing Program (Program) funds have been awarded.

  • The Department of Finance will no longer accept applications for this Program. We thank all of the cities and counties that participated in the application process.

  • Included below is a link to a table that shows Program participants, and the Program funds that each received.


The 2016 Budget Act appropriated $25 million for the Program,, which seeks to encourage local communities to support housing that provides treatment and reentry programming to individuals who will benefit from those services.

The enabling legislation for the Program is Senate Bill 837 (Chapter 32, Statutes of 2016). A link to SB 837 is included below. The provisions governing the Program begin in Section 65 of the bill.

The Program provided grants of up to $2 million to cities and counties that approve conditional use permits or other entitlements, valid for at least 10 years, for facilities that provide transitional housing and support services. Sixty percent of the Program funds shall be used by the city or county for statutorily specified public safety and community outreach, and 40 percent of the Program funds shall be used by the facility operator for statutorily specified purposes.

The Program is intended to primarily target offenders released from state prisons and county jails. However, cities and counties may apply for funds to serve other populations that they believe will benefit from the Program’s services.

Program Email Address

Link to SB 837


Frequently Asked Questions

Program Participants, and Amounts Received

Community Based Transitional Housing Program Questionnaire