Long-Range Property Management Plan

Webpage last updated March 10, 2020

Pursuant to Health and Safety Code section 34191.5, within six months after receiving a Finding of Completion from the Finance, the Successor Agency is required to submit for approval to the Oversight Board and Finance a Long-Range Property Management Plan (LRPMP) that addresses the disposition and use of the real properties of the former redevelopment agency. If Finance has not approved a plan by January 1, 2016, then the Successor Agency must dispose of their property pursuant to 34177 (e).

Finance has completed its reviews of the LRPMPs submitted.

Determination Letters

Older determination letters published prior to 2020 are only available in a PDF file format. To request any previous determinations in a more accessible format, please contact:  RedevelopmentAdministration@dof.ca.gov