Data and products for California from the 2020 Census. The California State Data Center generates reports and tabulations from data files released by the U.S. Census Bureau.
- Supplemental Demographic and Housing Characteristics (S-DHC) File – average household size and counts of people living in certain types of households.
- Detailed Demographic and Housing Characteristics A and B Files
- Detailed Demographic and Housing Characteristics B (Detailed DHC-B) File — occupied housing unit and tenure count tables by detailed race and regional groups and Hispanic Origin for California, counties, and places.
- Detailed Demographic and Housing Characteristics A (Detailed DHC-A) File — sex by age tables by detailed race and regional groups and Hispanic Origin for California, counties, and places.
- Demographic Profile and Demographic and Housing Characteristics (DHC) File — selected population characteristics for California, counties, places, ZIP Code Tabulation Areas (ZCTAs), and school districts
- Redistricting Data (P.L. 94-171) — total population and population 18 years and older by race and Hispanic/Latino, total housing units, households (occupied units), vacant units, and population by type.
Detailed Demographic and Housing Characteristics A and B Files
The 2020 Census Detailed Demographic and Housing Characteristics File A (Detailed DHC-A) along with the Detailed DHC-B files are the successors to the 2010 Census Summary File 2 and the 2010 Census American Indian and Alaska Native Summary File. The Detailed DHC-A and B files contain statistics for 300 detailed racial and ethnic groups and 1,187 American Indian and Alaska Native (AIAN) tribes and villages. The files also tabulate for regional race and ethnic groups, which were not provided in prior decennial censuses. They include groups such as Caribbean, East Asian, American Indian, and Polynesian.
Unlike prior 2020 Census data products where exact levels of accuracy cannot be known in advance, margins of error for counts are determined in advance of running the algorithm. The Census Bureau set accuracy targets for each count in the Detailed DHC-A and B to ensure that the published counts are within a target margin of error about 95 percent of the time. More information on MOEs as well as guidance on custom aggregations and comparisons to previous decennial censuses and the American Community Survey, a list of detailed race and regional groups, and a 2010 to 2020 Census race and ethnicity crosswalk can be found on the Census Bureau’s DHC-A and B technical documentation page.
Note that the Census Bureau does not recommend using the Detailed DHC-A and B files to calculate average household size due to the fact that the Detailed DHC-A includes persons in group quarters. This statistic is available in the 2020 Census Supplemental Demographic and Housing Characteristics File (S-DHC) that was released in September 2024.
Supplemental Demographic and Housing Characteristics File
The S-DHC file combines the characteristics of households and the people living in them. Data is available for the nation, all 50 states, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico. The release consists of eight subject tables, six of which contain nine iterations by race and Hispanic origin, for a total of 62 tables:
- PH1 – Average household size by age.*
- PH2 – Household type (e.g., family or nonfamily households) for the population in households.
- PH3 – Population under the age of 18 years by relationship and household type.*
- PH4 – Population in families by age.*
- PH5 – Average family size by age.*
- PH6 – Family type and age for own children under the age of 18 years.
- PH7 – Total population in occupied housing units by tenure (i.e., whether the home is owned or rented).*
- PH8 – Average household size of occupied housing units by tenure.*
* Tables marked with an asterisk include tabulations for the following race and Hispanic origin groups: White alone, Black or African American alone, American Indian and Alaska Native alone, Asian alone, Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander alone, Some Other Race alone, Two or More Races, Hispanic or Latino, and White alone, not Hispanic or Latino.
Tabulations are generated using a variant of the disclosure avoidance methodology employed for all 2020 Census data releases. Unlike the person and housing tables released previously, which were subject to separate runs of the disclosure avoidance algorithm, the S-DHC tabulations require joining the person and household data together and running the disclosure avoidance algorithm on the combined data. PHSafe, the algorithm that protects the S-DHC, works by applying truncation rules to protect outliers in the data (specifically very large households), and adding or subtracting noise to the tabulated results based on predetermined accuracy targets.
The noise-infused results undergo statistical postprocessing which ensures the data meet a series of logical constraints, such as eliminating negative values that were introduced by noise infusion. The postprocessing method also generates the credible interval for each statistic. Credible intervals represent a range of values that contain the truncated estimate with 90 percent probability. (The true value can be larger than the interval’s high value given household truncation.) Note that the intervals may not be uniform, and therefore both the lower and upper end points are published.
For more information on the PHSafe Algorithm, see Disclosure Avoidance and the Supplemental Demographic and Housing Characteristics File (S-DHC): How PHSafe Works.
Users should note inconsistencies associated with the data in the S-DHC, which result from the independent inclusion of noise into the statistics. The Census Bureau cautions that counts from S-DHC tables will not be consistent with counts from other 2020 Census data products, nor will they be consistent across S-DHC tables. The Bureau recommends:
- Use “total population in occupied housing units” from table PH7 instead of “total population in households” from table PH2 when possible because it has less noise.
- When the average household size does not match across tables, use data with the narrowest credible interval or data in the table most closely related to your subject of interest.
The Census Bureau also recommends using caution when aggregating the S-DHC data across custom groups or geographies. Aggregations of the S-DHC data get noisier in proportion to the number of counts that are included in the aggregation.
More information on the S-DHC can be found at Blog: Understanding the Supplemental DHC File, and by downloading the 2020 Supplemental Demographic and Housing Characteristics File (S-DHC) Technical Documentation.
Because the S-DHC only provides statistics for nation and state geographies, information on estimating people per household ratios for sub-state geographies using 2020 Census data from the Demographic and Housing Characteristics File can be found at the Census Bureau’s Calculating and Interpreting Average Household Size Ratios in the Demographic and Housing Characteristics File blog.
2020 Census S-DHC Average Household Size and Counts of People Living in Certain Types of Households Tabulation
Detailed Demographic and Housing Characteristics B File
The Detailed DHC-B file contains occupied housing unit counts broken out by tenure (owned or rented) and household type (family or non-family household) for the nation, states, counties, places, tracts, and AIAN areas. The Detailed DHC-B includes data for the household population only. Group quarters (such as college dormitories, prisons or military barracks) are excluded from this data product.
The Detailed DHC-B file also employs adaptive design to protect individualsí confidential responses. Detailed DHC-B publishes statistics using predetermined thresholds based on total population counts from the Detailed DHC-A. For example, if a group for a particular geography did not meet the threshold for publication in the Detailed DHC-A, data will not be published in the Detailed DHC-B. Note however it is possible that a group may not have a count in the Detailed DHC-A but have data in the Detailed DHC-B (and vice versa). This is because the adaptive design algorithm used to generate the Detailed DHC-B statistics first looks at the Detailed DHC-A noisy total population counts generated initially but were subsequently suppressed prior to publication.
Detailed DHC-B Population Thresholds1 and Margins of Error (MOE) by Geography
Most Comprehensive Table Type Produced | Detailed Groups | Regional Groups | |||
Household Type | Tenure | ||||
Nation & state (MOE=3) |
Substate* & AIANNH (MOE=11) |
Nation & state (MOE=50) |
Substate* (MOE=50) |
Total Count Only | Total Count Only | 0-470 | 22-970 | 0-4,970 | 94-4,970 |
Household Type – 2 categories | Tenure – 3 categories | 471-970 | 971-4,970 | 4,971-19,970 | 4,971-19,970 |
Household Type – 6 categories | Tenure – 3 categories | 971-6,970 | 4,971-19,970 | 19,971-149,970 | 19,971-149,970 |
Household Type – 8 categories | Tenure – 3 categories | 6,971+ | 19,971+ | 149,971+ | 149,971+ |
1The Detailed DHC-B uses the Detailed DHC-A noise-infused population counts that are compared to the Detailed DHC-B population thresholds to determine which, if any, household type and tenure tables the detailed or regional group is eligible to receive.
*Substate includes county, census tract, and place.
The Margins of Error (MOEs) listed apply to the individual noise-infused counts in each table type. For example, in the Household Type – 2 Categories table, two counts are noise-infused (family households and nonfamily households) and, therefore, have a MOE of 3 for detailed groups at the national and state level; however, the total number of households in this table is aggregated from the noise-infused household type counts. As a result the noise is also aggregated which results in larger MOEs for totals. For the Aggregated MOEs, please see the Detailed DHC-B technical documentation.
2020 Detailed DHC-B detailed race, regional group, and Hispanic occupied housing unit and tenure tables by geography
DRU-generated extractions of occupied housing unit and tenure tables for California, California counties, and the top six California places ranked by population. These extracts are organized by regional and detailed groups by major race and Hispanic origin.
Census Bureau published household type and tenure tables for all available races and Hispanic origins for California, California counties, and California places accessed through
- All California places:
Incorporated cities and Census Designated Places
Detailed Demographic and Housing Characteristics A File
The 2020 Census Detailed Demographic and Housing Characteristics File A (Detailed DHC-A) along with the Detailed DHC-B (release September 2024) are the successors to the 2010 Census Summary File 2 and the 2010 Census American Indian and Alaska Native Summary File. The 2020 Detailed DHC-A provides population counts and sex and age statistics for 300 detailed racial and ethnic groups and 1,187 American Indian and Alaska Native (AIAN) tribes and villages. The Detailed DHC-A also tabulates regional race and ethnic groups, which were not provided in prior decennial censuses. They include groups such as Caribbean, East Asian, American Indian, and Polynesian.
The Detailed DHC-A employs an adaptive design to determine the categories published for racial and ethnic groups and AIAN tribes and villages based on their population size and geography level (e.g., total population only or four, nine, or 23 age categories). The following groups will have total population counts only:
- Detailed groups with noise infused counts of less than 500 at the nation and state levels;
- Detailed groups with noise infused counts of 22-999 in sub-state geographies and AIAN areas;
- Regional groups with noise infused counts of less than 5,000 at the nation and state levels;
- Regional groups with noise infused counts of 94-4,999 in sub-state geographies.
Detailed DHC-A Minimum Noise-Infused Population Thresholds and Margins of Error (MOE) by Geography
Most comprehensive table type produced |
Detailed Groups | Regional Groups | ||
Nation & state (MOE=3) |
Substate* & AIANNH (MOE=11) |
Nation & state (MOE=50) |
Substate* (MOE=50) |
Total Count Only | 0-499 | 22-999 | 0-4,999 | 94-4,999 |
Sex by age – 4 categories | 500-999 | 1,000-4,999 | 5,000-19,999 | 5,000-19,999 |
Sex by age – 9 categories | 1,000-6,999 | 5,000-19,999 | 20,000-149,999 | 20,000-149,999 |
Sex by age – 23 categories | 7,000+ | 20,000+ | 150,000+ | 150,000+ |
*Substate includes county, census tract, and place.
Users should note that the Detailed DHC-A uses a disclosure avoidance algorithm that differs from the algorithm used to protect the PL94-171 Redistricting Data, Demographic and Housing Characteristics File (DHC), and Demographic Profile. The new algorithm produces privacy-protected counts for each count and geography independently and there is no requirement that counts for lower geographies aggregate up to counts for higher geographies. Thus, the Census Bureau recommends using caution when aggregating the Detailed DHC-A data across age, sex, racial, and ethnic groups or across geographies. Additionally, counts from the Detailed DHC-A will not be consistent with counts from other 2020 Census products.
Unlike prior 2020 Census data products where exact levels of accuracy cannot be known in advance, margins of error for counts are determined in advance of running the algorithm. More information on MOEs as well as guidance on custom aggregations and comparisons to previous decennial censuses and the American Community Survey, a list of detailed race and regional groups, and a 2010 to 2020 Census race and ethnicity crosswalk can be found on the Census Bureau’s Detailed DHC-A technical documentation page.
2020 Detailed DHC-A detailed race, regional group, and Hispanic total population and age by sex tables by geography
DRU-generated extractions of total population tables for California, California counties, and the top six California places ranked by population. These extracts are organized by regional and detailed groups by major race and Hispanic origin.
Census Bureau published total population and age-by-sex tables for all available races and Hispanic origins for California, California counties, and California places accessed through
- All California places:
Incorporated cities and Census Designated Places
Demographic Profile and DHC
The Census Bureau released Demographic Profiles and DHC tables for California, counties, places, ZCTAs, census tracts, and school districts on May 25, 2023. These profiles and tables provide basic demographic characteristics of the population including age, sex, race, households and families, type of vacancy, and tenure.
- California – selected data for 2020:
- Hispanics, and Not Hispanic Major Race Groups by Age
- Note: the Census Bureau advises using caution when comparing 2010 and 2020 Census race and Hispanic origin data because differences could be the result of improvements to the question design, data processing, and coding procedures for the 2020 Census.
- California, all counties, and all places (incorporated cities and Census Designated Places) – selected data for 2020, 2010, and 2000:
- Table 1 — Total population, median age, sex, age, household and family size
- Table 2 — Total population, land area (square miles), population density
- Table 3a and 3b — Data for Detailed Asian Race or Hispanic Origin by specific origin are available through the Detailed DHC-A.
- Table 4a — Persons by Relationship (householder, spouse, child, etc)
- Table 4b — Households by Type (family households, single parent households, households with children)
- Table 5a — Housing Occupancy (occupied units and vacant unit by type of vacancy)
- Table 5b — Housing Tenure (owner/renter)
- ZIP Code Tabulation Areas (ZCTA) in California – selected data:
- Table 1 — Total population, median age, sex, age, household and family size
- Table 2 — Total population, land area (square miles), population density
- Table 3a and 3b — Data for Detailed Asian Race or Hispanic Origin by specific origin are not available.
- Table 4a — Persons by Relationship (householder, spouse, child, etc)
- Table 4b — Households by Type (family households, single parent households, households with children)
- Table 5a — Housing Occupancy (occupied units and vacant unit by type of vacancy)
- Table 5b — Housing Tenure (owner/renter)
- ZCTA data from the 2010 Census
- School Districts in California – selected data:School districts are identified as Elementary (primarily serving children in the elementary grades), Secondary (primarily serving children in secondary grades 9th-12th), and Unified (serving children of all grade levels). The districts in these tables are listed in alphabetical order.
- Table 1 — Total population, median age, sex, age, household and family size
- Table 2 — Total population, land area (square miles), population density
- Table 3a and 3b — Data for Detailed Asian Race or Hispanic Origin by specific origin are not available.
- Table 4a — Persons by Relationship (householder, spouse, child, etc)
- Table 4b — Households by Type (family households, single parent households, households with children)
- Table 5a — Housing Occupancy (occupied units and vacant unit by type of vacancy)
- Table 5b — Housing Tenure (owner/renter)
- View the complete Demographic Profile for any area on data.census.govopens in a new window
Redistricting Data (P.L. 94-171)
The U.S. Census Bureau released the 2020 Census Redistricting (Public Law 94-171) File for California on August 12, 2021. This file contains total population and population 18 years and older by race and Hispanic/Latino, total housing units, households (occupied units), vacant units, and population by type of group quarters for local geographic areas down to the census block level. In this section:
- Historical 2010 and 2020 Comparisons — comparisons of 2010 and 2020 data for California, Counties and Incorporated Cities/Towns.
- Maps: 2010 to 2020 Population Change and Race/Ethnicity — percent and numeric change from 2010 to 2020, and race/ethnicity detail by county.
- 2020 Redistricting Data Profiles for California, Counties, and Places.
- Population and Housing Data for:
- Data for Block Groups and Blocks
- Additional Resources — links to downloads and technical documentation maintained by the Census Bureau.
Historical 2010 and 2020 Comparisons for California, Counties, and Incorporated Cities/Towns
Note: Historical data are provided for geographic areas with legal boundaries only.
- Rankings of Total Population for Counties and Incorporated Cities/Towns
- Table H1 — Total Population and Population Change: 2010 and 2020
- Table H2 — Population and Percent Change by Race (Not Hispanic/Latino) and Hispanic/Latino: 2010 and 2020
- Table H3 — Housing Units, Households, and Vacant Units: 2010 and 2020
Maps: 2010 to 2020 Population Change and Race/Ethnicity
- Map 1 — Population Percent Change by County: 2010 to 2020
- Map 2 — Population Numerical Change by County: 2010 to 2020
- Map 3 — Race (Not Hispanic/Latino) and Hispanic/Latino by Percent in County: 2010 and 2020
- Map 4 – 2010 — Race (Not Hispanic/Latino) and Hispanic/Latino Population Distribution
- Map 4 – 2020 — Race (Not Hispanic/Latino) and Hispanic/Latino Population Distribution
Redistricting Data Profiles
These easy-to-use one-page, PDF profiles present the total and 18 years and older population by race (Not Hispanic/Latino) and Hispanic/Latino, housing data, and population by type of group quarters for individual geographic areas:
- United States
- California and Counties
- California Congressional Districts
- California State Senate Districts
- California Assembly Districts
Data for California, Counties, Cities/Towns, and Census Designated Places (CDP)
- Table C1 — Summary Population and Housing Data: 2020
- Table C2 — Total and 18+ Population by Race (Not Hispanic/Latino) and Hispanic/Latino: 2020
- Table C3 — Total and 18+ Population by Race (Hispanic/Latino included in Race Groups): 2020
- Table C4 — Population in Group Quarters by Major Type: 2020
- Table C5 — Population by Race (Not Hispanic/Latino) with Two or More Races Detail: 2020 — State of California only
- Table C6 — Population by Race (Hispanic/Latino included in Race Groups) with Two or More Races Detail: 2020 — State of California only
- Table C7 — Hispanic/Latino by Race with Two or More Races Detail: 2020 — State of California only
Data for Current California State Legislative and Congressional Districts
- California Congressional Districts
- State Senate Districts
- Table SD1 — Summary Population and Housing Data: 2020
- Table SD2 — Total and 18+ Population by Race (Not Hispanic/Latino) and Hispanic/Latino: 2020
- Table SD3 — Total and 18+ Population by Race (Hispanic/Latino included in Race Groups): 2020
- Table SD4 — Population in Group Quarters by Major Type: 2020
- State Assembly Districts
- Table AD1 — Summary Population and Housing Data: 2020
- Table AD2 — Total and 18+ Population by Race (Not Hispanic/Latino) and Hispanic/Latino: 2020
- Table AD3 — Total and 18+ Population by Race (Hispanic/Latino included in Race Groups): 2020
- Table AD4 — Population in Group Quarters by Major Type: 2020
Data for Census Tracts
- Table CT1 — Summary Population and Housing Data: 2020
- Table CT2 — Total and 18+ Population by Race (Not Hispanic/Latino) and Hispanic/Latino: 2020
- Table CT3 — Total and 18+ Population by Race (Hispanic/Latino included in Race Groups): 2020
- Table CT4 — Population by Type of Group Quarters: 2020
Data for Block Groups and Blocks
For block level data, please refer to the Statewide Database, the official redistricting database for the state of California. They have reformatted the legacy format redistricting data file into a user-friendly version.
Additional Resources from the Census Bureau
- For all geographic areas including census block, download the complete Redistricting Data File and click on “California.” (
- Technical Documentation for Redistricting Data File (
- 2020 Census Redistricting [P.L. 94-171] TIGER / Line Shapefiles (Inputs for geographic information systems —
- U.S. Census Bureau Redistricting Data website (
- 2020 Census PL 94-171 Maps: Census Tracts (
- P.L. 94-171 County Block Maps (
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