SLAA Reporting Notification
Government Code sections 13400 through 13407, known as the State Leadership Accountability Act (SLAA), was enacted to reduce the waste of resources and strengthen internal control. SLAA requires each state agency to maintain effective systems of internal control, to evaluate and monitor the effectiveness of these controls on an ongoing basis, and to biennially report on the adequacy of the agency’s systems of internal control.
To access the SLAA web portal reporting system click here.
SLAA requires biennial reports by the end of each odd numbered year. The following chart is a comparison of the most commonly reported risks from the three most recent reporting periods.
2023 State Leadership Accountability Act Non-Compliers List, click here.
SAM 20080 Fraud or Error Reporting
Finance is updating how state entities will report their fraud or errors to us beginning in the summer of 2024. Currently, state entities fulfill this reporting requirement to Finance via e-mail. With the new Fraud and Error Reporting System, state entities will report directly into an online reporting system. When the system goes live, guidance will be made available.
- SAM 20080 requires state agencies to report actual or suspected fraud or errors using this form.
- Updates are required every 180 days until resolution using this form.
- This catalog provides definitions and examples of fraud and error categories.
For questions regarding SLAA, please contact us by email.
To view Finance’s SLAA Report, click here.
To view other entities SLAA reports, click here.