Summary Schedules
These schedules are published as part of the Governor’s Budget Summary and are updated each January 10 with the release of the Governor’s Budget. Schedules marked with an asterisk are also updated at budget enactment. The schedules summarize state revenues, expenditures, and other fiscal and personnel data, generally for the past, current, and budget year.
- Schedule 1*: General Budget Summary
- Schedule 2: Summary of State Tax Collections
- Schedule 3: Comparative Yield of State Taxes
- Schedule 4*: Positions and Salary Cost Estimates
- Schedule 5B: Actual Past Fiscal Year Cashflow
- Schedule 5C: Estimated Current Year Cashflow
- Schedule 5D: Estimated Budget Year Cashflow
- Schedule 6*: Summary of State Population, Employees, and Expenditures
- Schedule 8*: Comparative Statement of Revenues
- Schedule 9*: Comparative Statement of Expenditures
- Schedule 10*: Summary of Fund Condition Statements
- Schedule 11*: Statement of General Obligation Bond & Commercial Paper Debt of the State of California
- Schedule 12A*: State Appropriations Limit Summary
- Schedule 12B: Revenues to Excluded Funds
- Schedule 12C: Non-Tax Revenues in Funds Subject to Limit
- Schedule 12D: State Appropriations Limit Transfer from Excluded Funds to Included Funds
- Schedule 12E*: State Appropriations Limit Excluded Appropriations
- Schedule 13*: Proposition 98 Final Certification
Historical Charts
These charts are maintained by the Budget Operations Support Unit. They contain some of the same information in the Summary Schedules, in summary form. They also include more historical data.
- Chart A: Historical Data, General Fund Budget Summary
- Chart B: Historical Data, Budget Expenditures, All Funds
- Chart D-1: General Fund Unanticipated Costs
- Chart F: Expenditures by Character, All Funds
- Chart H: Historical, Proposed, Revised, Enacted, Mid-Yr Revised, Budget Expenditure Data, Gen Fund
- Chart K: G.O. Bond Interest and Redemption, Agency Debt Service Costs
- Chart K-1: General Fund, G.O. Bond Interest and Redemption Costs
- Chart K-2: General Fund, Lease-Revenue Bond Interest and Redemption Costs
- Chart K-3: General Fund, G.O. and Lease-Revenue Bond Interest and Redemption Costs
- Chart K-4: General Obligation Bonds
- Chart K-5: California Municipal Bonds Rating History
- Chart K-6: History of California General Obligation Bond Ratings
- Chart L: Historical Data, State Appropriations Limit