Data and products for California from the 2000 Census. The California State Data Center generates reports and tabulations from data files released by the U.S. Census Bureau.
- Selected Data Extracts – Extracts of selected data elements
- Summary File 1 Profile – basic demographics
- Summary File 2 Profile – detailed demographics by race/ethnicity
- Summary File 3 Profile – social and economic data
- Summary File 4 Profile – detailed and economic data by race/ethnicity
- Public Law 94-171 Summary File – redistricting data
- Tract-to-Tract Comparability File – compare census tracts from one census to another
- Special Requests and Services
Selected Data Extracts from the 2000 Census
Data for California, Counties, Incorporated Cities and Census Designated Places
- Income, Poverty, and Employment Status
- Educational Attainment
- Housing Characteristics – Occupancy, Costs, Tenure, Units by Type
- Guidance on comparing 2010-2006 ACS witih 2000 Census data (
Data for ZIP Code Tabulation Areas (ZCTA) in California
- Table 1—Total population, median age, sex, age, household and family size
- Table 2—Total population, land area (square miles), population density
- Table 3b—Hispanic Origin by specific origin
- Table 4a—Persons by Relationship (householder, spouse, child, etc)
- Table 4b—Households by Type (family households, single parent households, households with children)
- Table 5a—Housing Occupancy (occupied units and vacant unit by type of vacancy)
- Table 5b—Housing Tenure (owner/renter)
Summary File 1 (SF1)
50-Page Profile
The SF1 profile contains 100-percent “(short form) census data, the information compiled from questions asked of all people and about every housing unit.” This information includes age, sex, race, Hispanic or Latino origin, household relationship, and tenure.
These profiles are available for the state, counties, places, census tracts, American Indian areas, metropolitan areas, congressional districts, and ZIP Code Tabulation Areas (ZCTAs).
- 10-page Profiles
- Selected Racial Groups and Specific Origin of Hispanic or Latino Profiles
- Population by Gender, Age (5-year age groups) and Race
- Population by Gender, Age (detailed 1-year) and Non-Hispanic Race Groups
- California 1990, 2000 Census Comparison Tables
- State and County Summary
Summary File 2 (SF2)
The SF2 profile contains 100-percent population and housing data. Each profile can be generated for 250 different population groups: the total population, 132 race groups, 78 American Indian and Alaska Native tribe categories, and 39 Hispanic or Latino groups. The profile is available for any of the 250 population groups with a population threshold of 100 or more people in a specific geographic area.
Full Standard Summary File 2 Profile for California for Hispanics and Non-Hispanic Major Race Groups:
- Hispanic or Latino of Any Race
- Not Hispanic or Latino: White Alone
- Black or African American Alone
- American Indian and Alaska Native Alone
- Asian Alone
- Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander Alone
- Two or More Races
Full Standard Summary File 2 Profile for California for Detailed Asian and Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islanders:
Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander
These profiles are available for the state, counties, places, census tracts, and metropolitan areas upon request – contact the State Data Center.
Summary File 3 (SF3)
60-Page Profile
The SF 3 contains the sample data, which is the information compiled from the questions asked of a sample of all people and housing units. Data include: basic population and housing totals; urban and rural; households and families; marital status; grandparents as caregivers; language and ability to speak English; ancestry; place of birth, citizenship status, and year of entry; migration; place of work; journey to work (commuting); school enrollment and educational attainment; veteran status; disability; employment status; industry, occupation, and class of worker; income; poverty status; number of rooms; number of bedrooms; year moved into unit; household size and occupants per room; units in structure; year structure built; heating fuel; telephone service; plumbing and kitchen facilities; vehicles available; value of home; monthly rent; and shelter costs.
These profiles are available for the state, counties, places, census tracts, metropolitan areas, congressional districts, ZIP Code Tabulation Areas (ZCTAs), state senate districts, and state assembly districts.
Summary File 4 (SF4)
43-Page Profile
The SF4 profile contains detailed tabulations of sample data collected from 15.8 percent of the total housing units in the United States, which were then weighted to represent the total population. Detailed tables for specific race/ethnic and ancestry groups include social and economic characteristics focusing on sex; households and families; marital status; grandparents as caregivers; language and ability to speak English; place of birth, citizenship status, and year of entry; migration; place of work; commuting; school enrollment and educational attainment; veteran status; disability; employment status; industry, occupation, and class of worker; income; poverty status; tenure, occupancy, and vacancy characteristics; units in structure; year structure built; year household moved into unit; gross/contract rent; gross rent as a percentage of household income; value of home; mortgage status and selected monthly owner costs. These tables are repeated for 335 detailed population groups subject to a population threshold of 100 or more persons and 50 or more unweighted sample cases in a specific geographic area.
These profiles are available for the state, counties, places, census tracts, and metropolitan areas.
Public Law 94-171 Summary File (Redistricting Data)
This file contains summary population counts for two universes, total population and population 18 years and over. The data were derived from the basic 100-percent questions asked on all census questionnaires.
- Table One: Population Change 1990–2000, Incorporated Cities by County
- Table Two: Population by Race/Ethnicity, Incorporated Cities by County
- Table Three: Population by Race, One or More Races, California
- Table Four: Population by Race/Ethnicity, One or More Races, California
Tract-to-Tract Comparability File
Comparability Files are intended to generate comparable estimates of selected demographic, socio-economic, and housing variables across decennial censuses. Due to changes in population and street patterns, some census tract boundaries are adjusted with each census. Comparability files are the only source of census data that normalize changes in tract boundaries from one census to the next. The State Data Center (SDC) has prepared two separate comparability files:
- The 1970–2000 file provides an analysis of changes that took place across the 1970, 1980, 1990, and 2000 censuses; a total of 27 variables are included and all variables are normalized to 1990 census tract boundaries. This file is available at no charge.
- The 1990–2000 file includes more than 125 variables from the 1990 and 2000 censuses with all variables normalized to 2000 census tract boundaries.
Special Services
State Census Data Center demographers can prepare:
- Custom computer reports
- Custom maps
- Custom CD-ROM data products
For information and pricing, please call (916) 323-4086.