FI$Cal Resources for Accounting

The Department of Finance, Fiscal Systems and Consulting Unit (FSCU) provides classroom training, eLearning courses and query information to assist state departments using the Financial Information System for California (FI$Cal).

Upcoming Training

Spring 2025 Month-End Training is now open for enrollment.

The link to the portal is below:

Month-End Reconciliation Training

Year-End Training

Overview Training

Chart of Accounts Crosswalk

The Chart of Accounts (COA) crosswalk of PeopleSoft, Hyperion and Legacy account codes.

Year End (YE)

The information on this page includes the most common entries required for B/L reporting. Additional requirements for year-end reporting can be found in state policies and other information provided by the SCO for GAAP reporting purposes.

Year-End Reports (YE)

Please note: YE eLearning materials will be updated on a flow basis.

Year End Report Templates

Queries and Reports

A list of public queries created by Finance to support FI$Cal users. The queries are stored in the “DOF” folder.

Please send your DFQ requests and inquiries to

Departmental Support

General accounting support for departments using FI$Cal is available by contacting The FI$Cal Resources for Budget page provides instructions for Hyperion users, FI$Cal budget letters, and Program and Capital Outlay Project Crosswalks. Please send your feedback and questions regarding this webpage and training to Subscribe for email notifications of FI$Cal Resources for Accounting webpage updates.